Okay for people who dont know currently what i'm doing in life. i'm actually currently now working at Certis Cisco as training claim admin assistant! Been in the job for going 2weeks le, learned alot of things butttt there's still more to came!! ahhhh..Pray that i can go thro this tough times smoothly! Pray for me okie!!
See you guys around:)
Sentosa trip saturday 17oct09 !!(:
weather: Hot & sunny~ plus (sunburn badly)
met up in the morning, took train to sentosa palawan beach! on the journey there's this 3ghost!!!i mean people they act as ghost!! WTH , i got scared by them seriously man! hate the feeling shitty they even got in the train!!
then the rest i will let the picture do the talking YAY. i'm lazy to type!

Just realised it had been a month since i blog!
here's a little update:
last day of work at novena will be tommorrow, then monday will be working at my new job at "cisco headquarters as training claim admin assistant"
And one more impt thing my "Birthday" is coming!! LOL
get back here soon:)) takecare folks!
~Love being Love
~Visit a european country
~Found my true <3
~A stable job
~Someone who could really understand me
*Live for Yourself, Not For Others*
*If people hate me, so be it, they doesnt matter in my Life though*