will be back soon for updates:)
This video is super hilarious:
♪♫ HSM Cast Laughs at Teen Choice Awards Parody of HSM!
*my bible study class:)

Today went to church as usual every sunday thingy. then stay back at church after service to do the ice breaker games for tml pinic cum bbq @ "east coast park":)) but how shitty issit, cant manage to go tml cos i'm damn freaking working changes last min!!

after everything, went to orchard to shop with ber, aijie, hui instead of watching fireworks at marina:)) went to watched the movie "UP"..HAHAHA..was like laughing thro the whole show and yes watch "Hangover" too people. Both are GREAT movie! watch it! i watched "Hangover" throu vcd cos my work friend bought it at malaysia! haha..opps and no censor and cut at all.hahahaha

and seriously i miss my ITE bestBUDs- PAULINE PANG & REGINA RUAN!!& yes my ite friends too. how would my ITE life be without u girls around!! y am i like so sentimental suddenly after listening to "graduation" song on the radio:( i LOVE U GIRLS!! meet up soooooooon alright!