tml will be my last day of work at "novena" and my other job is starting soon on 1st july:) wish me luck!
yesyes indeed the camp is fun! played captain's ball in the morning at bishan park the first day and finally i had learned how to cycle!!and i managed to cycle!!yeah..its still not too late to learned cycling right i guess..haha..i got some bruise on my leg after that!! and we had amazing race!!fun and tiring its really good for bonding playing those night we had our "dont forget the lyrics AOC version" haha..
so on and on,on diff activity.............
here are some picture taken by other people:
(double click to see those picture better and clearer)


tml gotto go to kkh in the morning to sign the offer letter and back to work at novena :))
was so stress these few days thinking whether to continue working in my current part time sales job!! and FINALLY I DECIDED..........
will be Quitting my job at the end of the next wk..then work in KK hospital as "specialist assistant clincal"..were be going for a checkup soon..actually i did went for the interview few days back then just got a call recently that i was selected:))
NEW CHALLENGES IS AHEAD FOR ME!! scary but excited!
takecare people!
after the wedding, went to "party world" with 4guys and 3girls including me yeah!! sing for like 4hrs! fun fun fun
headed back home after singing:)) tml going to church:))
takecare people
ps. once i got the pic i will try to upload in here!